Product Price

The Product Price widget offers unparalleled control over how your product prices are displayed. Style prices with labels, show discounts, and even select price types, including sale price and price ex.VAT. This widget works seamlessly within most role-based (B2B) systems, ensuring your prices are always accurate and appealing.


Focused on designer control and flexibility, our widget lets you easily manage the layout and design of your product prices. Whether a product is on sale or you wish to show the regular price, this widget adapts to your needs. With labels, colors, and discount types, it's perfect for showcasing sales in an engaging manner.

  1. Price Display Options:

    • Price: Automatically adjusts to show the sale price when products are on sale.
    • Regular price display.
    • Price excluding VAT for clarity and compliance.
  2. Show Discount:

    • Display discounts in percent or as a value in your currency.
  3. Customizable Labels:

    • Set labels before and after the price and discount for a tailored look.
  4. Display Flexibility:

    • Option to show price and discount in a stacked layout.
    • Hide price and only show the discount when needed.
  5. Comprehensive Styling Options:

    • Customize every aspect of labels and price.
    • Style fonts, spacing, color, and alignment to match your store's theme.
  6. Advanced Layout Options:

    • Choose between horizontal or stacked layout designs.
  7. Link to Relevant Pages:

    • Option to add a link to a URL if not used as a product rating.
  8. Multilingual Adaptability:

    • Set your own labels and titles to cater to any language.